Tag: Peace

Fan Yew Teng

Fan Yew Teng lived a life that empowered others through knowledge, inspired them through his action, and lead them with boldness and humility when asked. His story is packed with incidents of courage, risk and compassion that were never boasted about. Here are some of his heroic actions and decisions we do know.

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Malala Yousafzai

Malala has become a young national hero in Pakistan, known for her powerful voice and her courage to stand up for freedom and human rights. From the age of 11 she has boldly expressed her feeling about the restrictions imposed on female education and has united with other students to face an intimidating foe. This past week, the teenage Malala was shot in a failed assassination attempt, she is currently in critical condition.

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Asmaa Mahfouz

In the face of great adversity, the words “Do not be afraid” could not have come from a more unlikely person. Her whole life had been lived under the tyrannical rule of a corrupt government that restricted and eliminated political opposition. Meet Asmaa Mahfouz; a small, young Egyptian woman who broke through the fear barrier that had kept a dictator in power for 30 years.

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Maximilian Kolbe

With strength, courage and resounding resolve, Maximilian Kolbe faced some of the harshest conditions of humanity. He proved compassion could thrive even in the darkest places and ultimately gave his life to save others from death. His heroic deeds inspired the prisoners of Auschwitz and gave them hope that human dignity and kindness could still exist, but his amazing story begins long before his time in the camps.

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Who are Moral Heroes?

MoralHeroes is an archive of inspirational men, women, and youth throughout history that have sacrificed for the betterment of others socially, physically, politically, economically, or environmentally.

They are highlighted here to remind, encourage and inspire those of us who follow.